The Goddess Code is a movement to spark a full body remembrance of the Ancient Goddess
that thrives within all who identify as women. In a world where the Goddess archetype is being overly sexualized, demonized, and watered down, this initiation will remind you of Her actual essence as the feminine counterpart of God, as the holy Goddess who the world once revered, as the Divine Mother that nurtures, creates, and cares for ALL living Beings.
Now, as we emerge from the ashes of old, patriarchal ways and begin to rebirth a new world, the innovative, feminine wisdom is key. The world needs YOU to be the force of the Goddess here on Earth. The world needs YOU, in ALL of your intricate, magical, powerful, highly sensitive, ever changing, creative expressions. The world needs YOUR wholeness, YOUR boldness, YOUR tenderness. The world needs YOU to be the example of full integration- child + elder, feral + holy, sovereign + empathic, wise + curious, practical + magical.
The Goddess Code is here to set you free from the boxes, from the conformity, the compartmentalizing, so that you can expand into your true, supernova Self- and finally embody the sacred Goddess within you.
Spirit and I now invite you to experience the mystery teachings, rituals, and higher wisdom in Goddess Code 2024.
Activate greater liberation, alignment, aliveness, reclamation, enchantment, embodiment and reignite your inner spark!
This year’s journey is more experiential, expansive, and revolutionary than ever before!
that thrives within all who identify as women. In a world where the Goddess archetype is being overly sexualized, demonized, and watered down, this initiation will remind you of Her actual essence as the feminine counterpart of God, as the holy Goddess who the world once revered, as the Divine Mother that nurtures, creates, and cares for ALL living Beings.
Now, as we emerge from the ashes of old, patriarchal ways and begin to rebirth a new world, the innovative, feminine wisdom is key. The world needs YOU to be the force of the Goddess here on Earth. The world needs YOU, in ALL of your intricate, magical, powerful, highly sensitive, ever changing, creative expressions. The world needs YOUR wholeness, YOUR boldness, YOUR tenderness. The world needs YOU to be the example of full integration- child + elder, feral + holy, sovereign + empathic, wise + curious, practical + magical.
The Goddess Code is here to set you free from the boxes, from the conformity, the compartmentalizing, so that you can expand into your true, supernova Self- and finally embody the sacred Goddess within you.
Spirit and I now invite you to experience the mystery teachings, rituals, and higher wisdom in Goddess Code 2024.
Activate greater liberation, alignment, aliveness, reclamation, enchantment, embodiment and reignite your inner spark!
This year’s journey is more experiential, expansive, and revolutionary than ever before!
Through powerful, channeled teachings from the Goddesses guiding you through this year's journey, you will: Transmute your past, purify your energy, and heal your shadow self as you explore your inner villain as the Dark Goddess Archetype. Tap into your power, creation codes, spiritual abilities, and intuition as we anoint and reclaim your inner Priestess, Medicine Woman, and Healer Archetypes. Enter the temple of your inner Lover to open your heart for extraordinary love, uplift your current relationships, and fall back in love with your life as you tap into the power of your Lover's deepest desires.
We begin with an initiation & purification with Kali, Medusa, Calypso, and Persephone through the Dark Goddess Archetype healing. Release the shame of being vilified for choosing to heal and reclaim your full power! Then, you'll receive a potent Anointment & Attunement as we journey through the Priestess Frequency with Mary Magdalene, Persephone, Isis, and Ixchel. Discover the wisdom of your inner Medicine Woman, transmute witch wounds, reconnect with the mystery teachings of your womb, and activate new spiritual gifts!
We reach the peak of this metamorphic journey as we tap into your inner Lover archetype. Aphrodite, Mother Mary, Radha, & Mary M. will open your heart to discover the wisdom of your innermost longing for great love. Transmute old shame, heartache, loss, and fear into more openness, truth, and healthy attachment. Your Lover Goddess will help you fall back in love with life, with yourself, and will amplify purer, truer love in your relationships.
This trio of frequencies working together is revolutionary! Learn how your inner Villain and Priestess actually support your inner Lover in experiencing deeper, truer, more aligned LOVE, and how together they open you up to earth shaking, cosmic, extraordinary, mystical, Destined pathways in ALL areas of your life.
We begin with an initiation & purification with Kali, Medusa, Calypso, and Persephone through the Dark Goddess Archetype healing. Release the shame of being vilified for choosing to heal and reclaim your full power! Then, you'll receive a potent Anointment & Attunement as we journey through the Priestess Frequency with Mary Magdalene, Persephone, Isis, and Ixchel. Discover the wisdom of your inner Medicine Woman, transmute witch wounds, reconnect with the mystery teachings of your womb, and activate new spiritual gifts!
We reach the peak of this metamorphic journey as we tap into your inner Lover archetype. Aphrodite, Mother Mary, Radha, & Mary M. will open your heart to discover the wisdom of your innermost longing for great love. Transmute old shame, heartache, loss, and fear into more openness, truth, and healthy attachment. Your Lover Goddess will help you fall back in love with life, with yourself, and will amplify purer, truer love in your relationships.
This trio of frequencies working together is revolutionary! Learn how your inner Villain and Priestess actually support your inner Lover in experiencing deeper, truer, more aligned LOVE, and how together they open you up to earth shaking, cosmic, extraordinary, mystical, Destined pathways in ALL areas of your life.
Total embodiment of your Higher Self and your infinite potentiality as we heal the shadow self & tap into the wisdom of your Dark Goddess archetypes. Realigned with your Divine Feminine power, bliss, & mystical rituals! You will be able to embody your full magnitude of Being, with greater ease, understanding, and flow. You’ll experience more magic, love, connection, & wellness in all areas of your life!
This mystical 6 week journey will guide you through connecting with the Goddesses themselves
and fully integrating and healing their archetypes within you.
and fully integrating and healing their archetypes within you.
BRAND NEW CHANNELED TEACHINGS from Goddesses guiding you through a journey of initiation & purification with Kali, Medusa, Calypso, and Persephone through the Dark Goddess Archetype healing. Then, you'll receive a potent Anointment & Attunement as we journey through the Priestess Frequency with Mary Magdalene, Persephone, Isis, and Ixchel. All leading up to this metamorphic, life altering journey to meet your inner Lover archetype. Aphrodite, Mother Mary, Radha, & Mary M. will open your heart to discover the wisdom of your innermost longing for great love. This trio of frequencies working together is going to be revolutionary! Learn how your inner villain and Priestess actually support your inner Lover, and how together they open you up to earth shaking, cosmic, Destined pathways in all areas of your life.
A mystical Samhain, All Soul's Day ceremony to connect with your loved ones on the other side, and reclaim the GIFTS of your lineage. I will guide you through transmuting the threads of witch wounds, rejection, suppression, and survival mode to heal your entire lineage as we honor their Souls. This will open up lines of communication between you and the Souls of your loved ones in the afterlife and will help you feel clarity, expansion, and liberation around your generational history.
Experience instant freedom as we begin our journey with the Dark Goddess & your inner Villain archetype. Purge sacred rage & liberate yourself from toxic patterns, withholding, shame/guilt, projections, and shackles from the past. With Kali, Durga, & Medusa, I will guide you through a powerful ceremony with the gold, red, and blue flame light codes to slay the ego, guilt, shame, and judgment. If you've ever been vilified for speaking your truth, for healing/recovering, for what you believe in, or for leaving someone behind, this will be MASSIVE for YOU!
A Sacred journey, integration, & activation with the Priestess Goddess. Persephone, Isis, & Ixchel will unlock the codes of the Medicine Woman, empowering you through sacred embodiment practices for greater enlightenment, & healing of your shadow self. Bring enchantment & awe back into your life as you journey through a potent cycle of rebirth & reclaim your mystic gifts & wisdom. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary will come through to deliver powerful activation ceremonies around your Soul Purpose & Highest Prophecy & relay insights.
Experience a potent Womb Healing ritual with Mother Mary & the Magdalene’s to activate your health, fertility/creativity, sensuality, pleasure. Your womb space is your inner vortex, & while it is your most fertile ground, it often becomes an internal graveyard as trauma, stress, & old, repressed energy gets stored there. Womb healing helps heal feminine imbalances, increase fertility & improve your pregnancy, while reconnecting you with your full power as a Woman. It is one of the most powerful practices a woman can incorporate into her healing and growth journey in my experience!
Initiation with the Lover Goddess Archetype. Enter into the sacred, inner Temple of the Lover to discover your innermost longing, yearning, & experience the allure of the infinite love that dwells within you. Aphrodite, Aine, Radha, & Mary Magdalene will activate the Codes of Fate of your Soulmate relationships, bringing more aligned, expansive love into your current relationships OR activating Soulmate Union for those of you who have a soulmate arriving soon.
The Lover Goddess Archetype Frequency helps you find deeper healing of past hurts, abandonment wounds, rejection wounds, and loss so that you feel safe & supported opening up once again. The Lover helps you reignite your inner sparkle & fall in love with your life once again! She empowers you to claim what you truly desire, to prioritize what matters the most to you, and helps you get out of your head and into your heart and body so that you can feel more aliveness, vitality, joy, playfulness, and ethereal bliss!
Tonya M. |
Sarah Renee’s Goddess Code was such a potent container for magnifying the individual power that all of |
Working with Sarah in The Goddess Code was an incredible experience. Through each class we were able to dive deep into the stories that run our lives. This class was so helpful in furthering my trust in spirit and welcoming their guidance into my life as I begin each morning. I can't recommend Sarah enough, she's literally opened my heart in ways I wasn't sure I ever could again. If you are struggling after loss, wanting to gain your confidence back or looking to have your own awakening and remembering of who you are then this course is for you. Sara's genuine love for people and helping is so evident in the way she carries herself. I'm so grateful and look forward to getting to work with Sarah more in the future! |
Ali O. |
Abbey S. |
The Goddess Code was a life changer that exceeded my expectations in every way. Sarah Renee offers this class in a way that is so accessible, easy, and generous. I came away from our time together feeling more empowered, more tapped in to who I really am and my soul's purpose. As I look back, it is clear that this course opened me up to a completely new and wonderful way of existing in the world and for that I am incredibly grateful! |
My wish for you is that you remember and restore the Goddess Essence that already flows through your veins, the Universal Stardust within your bones, the Creative Power of your womb to give birth and create miracles from seeds. I wish for you to realize how magical YOU truly are, and to OWN that magic in your daily life so that you become a living reminder for those around you that the Goddess is alive and well. I wish for you to FEEL the support of the Goddess Herself, and all of her forms and expressions from the higher Christ Consciousness Realms, so that you may never feel alone, ashamed, or powerless. I wish to hear YOU howl and roar alongside of us, to embrace your wildness- whether you work at a corporation, own a business, are raising kids in a suburbia neighborhood, or are wandering the big city streets. I wish for YOU to feel the power of your own sacred baptism and resurrection, and to reclaim your crown, your wings, and ALL of your divine gifts. ~ Sarah and Spirit
Join us for this life altering journey!!!
Calls will be Wednesdays at 4:00pm PST, with our FIRST call beginning on October 23rd, 2024 and our final call on November 27th. The total investment is $497. **Payment Plans available upon request. You are encouraged to join us live, however all replays will be available for you if you are unable to attend live. Calls are held on zoom and you will receive all call in information and further details through email or the private facebook group. Sign Up Below! Feel free to contact me with any questions HERE or reach out to me privately. |
Jennifer E. |
I highly recommend Sarah’s program “The Goddess Code.” Through our group work I was introduced and educated on Goddesses in which I had preconceived notions. Sarah opened my mind to connection and clarity. This course provided me with the tools to deal with old wounds in new ways to bring a sense of peace. This is also the program that guided me to open up part of my self that has been closed giving a sense of renewal and possibility. I highly recommend this course! |
I had been following Sarah on social media for awhile when I saw her post on the Goddess Code class. It immediately called to me and I was excited and nervous about it. This experience ended up being so mind-blowing and life changing for me. Sarah was amazing at facilitating and each meditation was an out of body experience. But more than that, I discovered all these powerful goddesses and their energy just waiting for me to work with them. I especially connected with Kali Ma and she remains as one of favorite goddesses to call on. When I started this class, I didn’t know how much I NEEDED it. I feel a deep connection with all the woman that were part of my group and I’ve seen how this has opened not just me but them as well. Thank you Sarah for holding such a beautiful space for us. |
Tonia S. |
Grace W. |
Goddess Code was an amazing experience for me and the timing was divine! It represented a coming together of so much of my spiritual work up to this point in my life. I am grateful for the experience beyond words. Remembering who I truly am has been amazing. I am still integrating the lessons and activations, even after three months, and slowly understanding what my next steps look like for my life. Setting and maintaining spiritual boundaries has been the main/best benefit for me. I have been challenged both internally and externally through this process. The Goddess Code activations have helped me stay more connected in my truth moment to moment. Thank you to Sarah Renee for leading us through an amazing journey and thank you to my Goddess sisters for showing up and doing the work. |